Mar 20, 2009

After all, it just PMS

Felt a bit cranky lately..not sure is it because of PMS or its just me? Not to mention overly sensitive and moody plus explosive emotion..Well, i guess PMS has a bit contribution to it...Tonite have a mix feeling, actually not sure what i felt..Miss him, lonely plus a million things running inside my brain has contribution for tonite glommy feeling :(
I know what i need, having him here beside me would be great..but i know its not that simple...million things need to be considered before him able to ran off to the airport and fly here...
Sometimes i wonder untill when should i have to do this LD thing..Where i would be ended up? It doesnt matter for me where i will end up as long as i with him..
The worst day for me would be weekend..sometimes i'll be glad to know that weekend is coming where i know thats the time for do what i like without worrying about works and uni, but there some days like today, i Hate weekend..I hate when i dunno what to do in weekend when mostly of my friends would have their own plan to spent their weekend, which off course will spent it with their loved ones..While me, will need to figure it out what to do in weekend..
I desperately need vacation and i realy looking foward for May to come :)
I looking foward to see him :)
After all, really hoping all these mix feelings would be over...Eniwei, just got my exam result back and its great..Far beyond from my expectations...Good expectations for sure :)
Now, really have to concentrate to finish my thesis for the next 3 months...Hope to be good :)

Mar 1, 2009


sometimes i always wondering what job that really suitable for me? it slipped to my mind am i doing the right thing now for working with my be honest i dun really like reason is his business is too technical and i dunt understand...the other reason is im a routine type of person and i have to have a fix job description..rite now i dunt have dad once said that i have to have passion to running his business otherwise it wont work..hmm, how come i can have a passion where i dun like and understand the business..
i need a person too share my burden and it should be my closest one..but it seem he dun understand me enough...
maybe im just too weird to be understand by others :(

Feb 18, 2009


Havent updating this blog for quite some time.. all the classes finished, waiting for the end of month to start exam..The next 4 months would be a hectic days for me since thesis's day will start... Still dunno what should i do for my thesis, no idea at all...I wonder what should i write...
lots of things going for the past 3 terms...weirds lecturer, bunch of papers and exams become my daily suplement...and those crappy things past without i even noticed..
i remember few friends said how come i managed to have a uni and a works happened in the same time...some of them even says that im crazy...hahahhahaha...but hey im survived, well at least untill now :)
works are seems that my job description are getting wider...hahahhaha, well as my friend said, that's why ur dad hire u as a corporate secretary....he need someone he can trust to do "lame" things and reported to him...hahahhaha...its so true...
well, i dont complaint for my job desc although sometimes i miss my old job..miss all my collegues there..especially when the whole gangs complete (eric, poppy and ci lin)..eric used to named us a partner in crime...hahahahhaa
since the old job underpaid me...hahahhahah so i decided to accept my dad's pays much better, hahahahahha...
my relationship is okay...although lately we're been annoyed by one bitch who used to be my "musuh bebuyutan"..she's so damn crazy...called at late of night, asking how am i course im fine...would i be not okay? hah, u wish...trying to mess around with the situation but somehow her tricks always failed..
well, if u bitch happen to read this blog, one message for u,"Get a Life u bitch"
anyway, maya came back from sg last week and spent saturday with her...i miss our old days..well it nice to see u nyet...hope to see u at may...dun forget to pick me up nyet unless u want to see me get lost and i know u happy if its happen :)
getting late...
try to get some sleep..