Jan 11, 2009

Using Permission Marketing in the B2C

Permission marketing is developed by Seth Godin, a well-established international marketing guru at the turn of the century. A key element of "permission" based marketing is that you are in essence, purchasing someone's time and getting their "attention".
Permission marketin envision every customer shaping the targeting behavior of marketers. Consumers empower a marketer to send them promotional messages in certain interest categories. Typically, this is done by asking the consumer to fill out a survey indicating interests when registering for a service. The marketer then matches advertising messages with the interests of consumers.
Permission marketing offers the promise of improving targeting by helping consumers interface with marketers most likely to provide relevant promotional messages. Since the adverting arrive in the mailbox of the individual, it is likely that more attention would be paid to them in comparison to banners. Another motivation for permission marketing on the Web has been the failure of the direct mail approach of sending unsolicited promotional messages.
Permission marketing models allow for two kinds of exit or opt-out strategies: partial or complete. In partial opt-out, the consumer indicates that he or she wants to stop receiving advertisements in a sub-category. For example, this may occur when the consumer may have been interested in a category for a short period of time only. New models now allow consumers to specify a date after which they will be automatically opted out of a category. In complete opt-out, the consumer decides to terminate a relationship with a particular marketer and hence, will not receive any more promotional messages.
So why Permission Marketing is very important for B2C?
It can be said that permission marketing is one of the ethics in marketing. By using this approach, customers will feel comfortable with the information given to them, they will not feel annoyed. Unlike spam or junk mail. By using permission marketing, the intended information will be directly arrived to the customers so it will save cost and time.

Jan 5, 2009

Past, Current and Future Conditions for Book Industry

Nowadays buying goods doesnt mean we have to go to the stores, we can do it through the internet..Internet become the famous media for choosing and buy products, but the use is only booming nowadays while in the past, many people are not aware of the internet.. Let compare the use of internet nowadays, past and in the future..Im using book industries as the case study..
In the past,
Internet is not as common as today when people will prefer to go to particular store to get their desired books..People are not used to use internet to do the transactions..Many reasons that contribute to this habbit..Starting from the feeling of unfamiliar using internet, afraid using the credit card via internet and also worried that their order unable to be delivered properly. They more convinient to go around to malls to get what they want..But later, this habit of hanging around in the mall shift to internet era where everything will be done through internet..
We can call as transation era where step by step, people starts to shift to internet as the media to buy goods especially books..Although it hasnt been shifted 100% to internet yet, but sooner or later we're heading to it..From seller point of view, they started to feel comfortable and more effective to sell through internet..They started to improve their website a user friendly so that they can serve their customers better. Like www.inibuku.com where they put books display in their website and and make the website easy to use for their customers.. They realize they have to compete in certain ways to attract more customers..www.inibuku.com give 10 to 15% discount for every books and also the payment is Cash On Delivery so it provide customers more value added..By experience this kind of situation, sure more customers will soon shift to internet in the future.
In the future,
Im very optimistic that in the future, internet will booming and everyone will use internet as the media to do transaction. Sellers and buyers will realize that by using internet, they will save time and cost..
But there are certain things that need to be fixed before we can arrive into that era such as:Internet infrastructure and security...If customers can be sure about these two things, then for sure Indonesia can move into internet era completely..
Let make it happen :)