Nov 26, 2008

Books Lover

Right now, you dont have to rush to go to book store to buy books,you just need to click to one of those online book stores like,, http://www.barnes&

These online book stores can provide us with varieties of books..But these online book stores have one similiarity, which is we have to pay before they can deliver the books to us..

There's nothing wrong with that though, but sometimes we feel insecure to use credit card to do our payment..There are various reasons that will back up our fear of using credit card online but maybe the main reason is Fraud..

As we knoy lot's of stories about credit card fraud, and that will make us even more afraid to do online transaction..

It will be great that we can buy books online but we dont have to pay first, rite? :)

YES, we can do that...There is one unique online book stores that do not require us to pay first, which is This website is B2B to B2C types of e-commerce..It sell directly to customers..
All we have to do is just go to this website and just pick the books that we want.. The website provide us with the photo and the description of the books..
The good news is they give us discount around 10 to 15%..

After we done, we can review our shopping item through the shopping cart and we just wait for the confirmation from They will let us know wheather our items are ready to be delivered or not..They have a very good response time which is good because we as the customers dont like to wait..

Customer is number 1 and when customer feel satisfy with our product and service, they will come back to us..So that why service, in this matter response time is very crucial in order to achieve customer satisfaction..

There are several issues that need to resolve, such as no customers database and marketing assistance..

It will be great, if have a customer database so once we log in, we dont have to re type all the personal will more convinient for us as a customer.. Also, need to provide their customer will marketing staff assistance..Right now, they dont have this feature..Although, quite simple but still there're possibilities of difficulties that might arise when customer log in and do the transaction..

Speaking of threats, facing lots of competitor in running their business, says inibuku have a strength compared to gramedia, like customer only need to pay when the books are delivered to their address and there is no minimum order applied...

To me, is quite satisfying..In order to keep the business running well, need to keep their strength and improve it while trying to overcome the weaknesses..

Overall, is highly recommended for book lovers...

u guys should try it :) Nothing to lose, rite?

Nov 22, 2008


Been starring at the screen for half an hour, try to do the assignment but no luck :(

usually when it comes to blabbing or my frens used to call as ngemeng skill, it wont be hard for me..what make it hard is blabbing about e-commerce.. im suppose to blab when i dont understand what its all about..

im stuck..

its so lame, stuck in front of my laptop at saturday nite trying to do assignment..

maybe i'll get an inspiration while im doing midnite shopping?:) There's midnite shopping at Grand Indo started from yesterday, its up to 70%...

good idea :) well, what i need rite now is shopping buddies..and i know who i should call rite now..hehehe

off to shop :)

Nov 20, 2008


Staring at the clock and wondering when will the class end..still hoping that yesterday's class will end quick..nothing's wrong the class though, just only its been a long day..

Me sitting there, at the last row trying to gather all my "soul" and trying to survive untill the end of the class while listening to the lecturer aka "Ferry Salim"(that's what one of my classmate said and yes they're really look alikes) blabing about the technology term and gadget..

honestly, maybe its only 30% of what he said that i really understand..when come to the IT and its magic world, me is so dumb..

starring at sylabuss about the grading policy and wondering could i get an A for this subject when "Mr Ferry Salim" told us to make blog of our own to submit our assignment..


its neva been easy for me to learn all of what i called as "sophiscated thing" in internet..

well, i guess i have no choiches..i have to make the blog for the sake of e-business subject...

here i am, spending almost 2 hours to make this blog and finally i made it :) Hope that i could get an A for this subject..Amen

hey, nothing's wrong with hoping, rite? :)