Nov 20, 2008


Staring at the clock and wondering when will the class end..still hoping that yesterday's class will end quick..nothing's wrong the class though, just only its been a long day..

Me sitting there, at the last row trying to gather all my "soul" and trying to survive untill the end of the class while listening to the lecturer aka "Ferry Salim"(that's what one of my classmate said and yes they're really look alikes) blabing about the technology term and gadget..

honestly, maybe its only 30% of what he said that i really understand..when come to the IT and its magic world, me is so dumb..

starring at sylabuss about the grading policy and wondering could i get an A for this subject when "Mr Ferry Salim" told us to make blog of our own to submit our assignment..


its neva been easy for me to learn all of what i called as "sophiscated thing" in internet..

well, i guess i have no choiches..i have to make the blog for the sake of e-business subject...

here i am, spending almost 2 hours to make this blog and finally i made it :) Hope that i could get an A for this subject..Amen

hey, nothing's wrong with hoping, rite? :)

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